Shawne Bug x My Delicate Kip -- Kiptydoo
Shawneia has no performance record. She injured her neck as a foal just behind her ears.
Produce Record
Shawneia is dam of 11 foals earning $662.
2003 CONVINCING SHAWNEIA (x Convincing Prince)
2005 INVINCIBLE BUG (x Convincing Prince)
2006 IZENA BUG (x Convincing Prince), owned by Fran Smith and trained by Joyce Loomis Kerneck, 3D money earner of $662
2007 CONVINCING KIPPER (x Convincing Prince)
2008 MOCHA BUG (x Convincing Prince)
2009 CONVINCING CAPRICE (x Convincing Prince), owned by Sadie Wallin and currently a broodmare
2012 MY BLUEBONNET ZEPHYR (x Scrutinizer), 1st and 2nd place senior weanling halter filly Red River Horse Club 2012
2014 CHASIN LADYBUGS (x Chasin Firewater), owned by Tanya Montour and in training with Chet Martin
2015 RUBUGGEDBYMYREMINGTON (x First Down Mr Jess), owned by Tanya Montour and in training
2016 FAMOUS AND SHAMELESS (x Dash ta Fame)
2017 IMA SLICK TEXAN-- (x Slick by Design)
2019 RIDIN LIKE I STOL IT-- (x Stoli)